Green Ideas for Low-Waste
Holiday Festivities
Green Ideas for Low-Waste
Holiday Festivities
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on what I want this holiday season to mean for my family—and for the world
I’ll leave behind for my children. As Chief Sustainability Officer at Sky Organics, I’ve deepened my
awareness of how the choices we make, even in the small moments, shape the future of our planet. And as
a parent, the stakes feel more personal. I want my kids to grow up remembering the joy of the holidays,
but I also want them to see the value of caring for the earth.
So, this season, I'm going to ask you something. I'm going to request that you choose traditions that
celebrate your loved ones and the world we share. From decorating to gift-giving, these
environmentally-friendly tips are ways we can all embrace the season—while making choices that matter
for our planet’s future

Send Ecoconscious Cards
Each year, Americans purchase and send over 1.3 billion holiday cards. This creates an enormous amount
of waste. In fact, research shows that sending a billion greeting cards can produce as much CO2 as
powering 22,000 homes for a full year.
This year, why not send ecofriendly cards that plant a tree with every purchase. That way you e can keep
the holiday spirit alive while making a positive impact on the environment.

Compost Leftover Food
Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gasses—especially during the holidays, when we tend to cook and consume more. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), food waste makes up nearly 24% of landfill materials, where it emits a potent greenhouse gas called methane. Yet composting leftovers can divert this waste from landfills and serve as a valuable soil for gardens.
This year, I challenge you to make composting a family activity. That way we can teach our kids about the importance of reducing waste and giving back!

Embrace Reusable Dishware
While it may be tempting to use disposable plates and utensils for easy cleanup, here’s a scary truth: it’s
estimated that Americans throw away enough plastic each year to circle the earth four times! By
switching to reusable tableware, we can significantly cut down on plastic waste.
In my family, we’ve found that washing dishes together after a meal is a chance to bond and connect—a
small tradition that’s both meaningful and sustainable.

Consider Regifting
Regifting used to feel taboo, but I now see it as an ecofriendly way to share with others. When it’s done
with care, regifting is also a form of upcycling—or taking an item that might otherwise go unused, and
then passing it on to someone who will truly appreciate it.
Whether it’s a book you’ve loved or a piece of decor that doesn’t match your style, this practice can
reduce waste and celebrate a culture of reuse.

Shop Local
This one is a given, but with good reason. Buying from nearby artisans and shops has become yet another
holiday tradition in my family. The first benefit is that we find unique gifts—and we also get to lower the
environmental impact of long-distance shipping!
The Center for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan notes that local shopping lessens
transportation emissions and supports local economies.

Invest in Rechargeable Batteries
Holiday toys and decorations often rely on batteries, but disposable ones contribute to environmental
pollution and waste. The EPA notes that Americans throw away about 3 billion batteries every year,
which can leak harmful chemicals into soil and water.
Rechargeable batteries, while initially more expensive, can be reused hundreds of times. This makes them
a smarter investment for both the planet and your wallet.

Remember Why It Matters
At Sky Organics, we’re dedicated to sustainability. All of our products are made with certified organic
ingredients when possible, feature sustainable packaging, and are free from synthetic additives.
So, by gifting Sky Organics, please know that you’re sharing self-care items that support ecofriendly
practices and sustainable agriculture. Our partnerships with ecoconscious organizations like Pact
Collective and Ecologi genuinely reflect our mission to create personal care products that nourish people
and the planet.
With that, as we celebrate the holidays this year, let’s remember the impact of our choices and the legacy
we’re leaving future generations. Let’s celebrate mindfully and meaningfully with our families, and
reduce waste to protect the future of our planet.
Will you join me in making this happen?

Give the Gift of Sky Organics
Sky Organics is on a mission to share Certified Organic beauty care with all of humankind. Visit our website for more information—and join our #SkyFam for 20% off your first order.