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Sky Organics Is Now B Corp Certified

Sky Organics Is Now B Corp Certified

Our journey toward B Corp Certification was years in the making.

In the spring of 2023, we are humbled to share that it’s become a reality.

Sky Organics is officially a Certified B Corp!You heard us: Sky Organics is officially a Certified B Corp! This post will describe what it means to be a part of this community. We so appreciate the certification and look forward to sharing our experience with you.

What Is a B Corp?

Certified B Corporations are part of a movement to change the global economy (for the better, of course). The goal is to create an equitable, inclusive, regenerative economic system.

But what does that really mean?

In essence, B Corps are part of an international community of businesses overseen by a nonprofit network called B Lab. These for-profit companies meet high standards of social and environmental impact—acting with intention and continually striving to do better.

That improvement aspect is keyThat improvement aspect is key. No company is perfect, and there is always room for growth. To that end, an important part of being a Certified B Corp is holding each other accountable. Certified B Corporations are where continuous improvement and collective action come together.

How Do You Become B Corp Certified?

B Corp Certification means a company has been vetted. It means the brand meets B Lab’s social and environmental impact standards.

Becoming B Corp Certified also means an organization is legally committed to stakeholder governance and transparent about its performance.

Sky Organics is just thrilled for the opportunity to take collective action through this certification. To be approved and join this exciting community, our company:

• Achieved a score above 80 on B Lab’s Impact Assessment. This assessment evaluates social and environmental performance.

• Pledged to be accountable to all stakeholders (and not just shareholders). We did this by ensuring our corporate governance structure considers the interests of everyone in our organization—right down to our team members and the environment.

• Gave B Lab permission to list our performance on a public B Corp profile. (Please stay tuned and keep holding us accountable!)

To maintain Certified B Corp status, Sky Organics will need to apply for recertification every three years. For now, it’s a true honor to be a part of this community.

Why Does B Corp Certification Matter to Us?

Why Does B Corp Certification Matter to Us?I’ll share that while we’re grateful to have joined this global community, we didn’t become a B Corp overnight. As a company, Sky Organics has done a lot of self-evaluation in our effort to do our very best.

Here are the five impact areas brands must focus on to become B Corp Certified:

1. Workers

Certified B Corporations need to take care of their workers. They have to improve their employees’ lives and contribute to their well-being. At Sky Organics, we wouldn’t be where we are today without our team members, and we do what we can to reflect that.

2. Environment

B Corps prioritize and care for the planet. While Sky Organics has been sustainable for many years with roughly 80% of our products being certified to an organic standard, we wanted to up the ante. More recently, we’ve been focusing on environmentally-conscious packaging and planting trees with every purchase from our website.

You can read more about our Sustainability Commitment here. Note that we update our performance every year and post it on our website so that our customers and stakeholders can check in and see how we’re doing.

3. Governance

No doubt a company’s governance needs to consider all stakeholders. This includes not just the people at the very “top,” but everyone involved in business operations. (Think customers, workers of all experience levels, and various communities.)

4. Customers

Certified B Corporations need to do more than pay lip service to those they serve. These companies must have a real, tangible impact on customers’ lives. Sky Organics has prioritized this by being open about our business practices and the ingredients in our products.

5. Community

Finally, B Corp Certified businesses need to give back. Our partnership with Ecologi has helped us further our environmental impact—complete with a focus on reforestation. In partnership with our customers, we’ve already funded the planting of over 10,000 trees. Not only that, but we are just thrilled to join a community of likeminded brands who share similar values.

While sustainability has long been a part of who we are, becoming a B Corp is how we’re expressing it to the world. We are thankful for B Lab, our customers, and our peers for helping us work toward this certification.

Browse Our Self-Care Essentials

Our family-founded company is on a mission to share Certified Organic beauty care with all of humankind. Learn more about what we’re doing at skyorganics.com or on Instagram at @skyorganics.us.

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